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Orthopaedics, Pelvic Health, and Pilates

Physiotherapy prevents, corrects, and alleviates movement dysfunction

of anatomic or physiological origin through the use of therapeutic modalities.


At Remedia, our therapeutic modalities of choice are exercise movement techniques, manual therapy, pelvic floor training, and pain science, alongside dietitian

and mental health collaboration. 


Our physiotherapists promote, maintain, and restore the

physical and physiological well-being of our patients. 



Orthopaedic Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Assessment

60 minutes



Physiotherapy Treatment

30 minutes


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Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Assessment + Treatment

60 minutes



Pelvic Health Physiotherapy


60 minutes


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(Group Physiotherapy)

55 minutes



Choose between:

Therapeutic Pilates

Intermediate Pilates

Prenatal Pilates

Core Restore

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Pilates Classes Information

1. The cost per Pilates class is $24 (no hst).

2. Pilates classes are billed as Group Physiotherapy, covered by some insurance plans.

3. All participants require a Physiotherapy Assessment (billed separately) for referral into Pilates.

4. You are able to register for individual classes. 

5. You are required to register for each individual class you wish to attend. Except Prenatal.

6. You will receive a receipt for each class for potential insurance/health reimbursements.

7. You can pay individually for classes as you go (via credit/debit, cash or e-transfer to ) OR purchase a package of 5 classes for $120 (there will be credit in your online account and you can be reimbursed anytime). 

8. If you need assistance with booking please email

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Nature-Based Physiotherapy

Our physiotherapists prescribe and lead nature-based physiotherapy.


Available June, July and August


Want to be notified of

upcoming options?


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